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wilayah benar salah and wilayah baik buruk

I think i need to re-introduce my self.


1. Eneng sik onservable and unobservable

2. Eneng sik evitable and inevitable

3. Eneng sik provable and unprovable

4. Verifiable and unverifiable

Tuk sik observable/verifiable.
we have metodologi, dst

Problem.e sik unverifiable, unprovable, unobservable..

Minjem istilahmu biyen *untouchable..*

Karna we can't use scientific methods, akhi.e gak eneng pilihan lain, except philosophical methods

As we know, literally " pencinta kebijaksanaan "

Many people sik bertuhan/beragama. Coz their condiderations, comparations, dst. ( which is core.e tetep wisdom )

Kayak.e cukup sih perkenalan diri.e

Mungkin better bahas " metodologi dan sikap " ae sih.

Kerna kalo claims, perspektif, filsafat ( agama, ketuhanan, kehidupan, way of life ), dst seabrek..

Balik sik hal awal.
Kerna rasa itu dahsyat kik.
Asal semua orang punya rasa *tega* society beres kik. At least gak nambah-nambahi problem

Dan as we know, tantangan.e dominasi on rasa ( males, jenuh, bosan, capek, feeling worthless/useless, dst )
( kerna inti soal tentang produktivitas ning kunu )
Tentang hal praktis teoritis teknis aplikatif, wis akeh
( tapi tema iki, meh saiki po engko, manut sih )

Emang sih,
Nek discuss hal sik unverifiable/untouchable..
Iso useless, wasting time.
Kerna corak.e ( wisdom, preferensi, spekulasi, assumsi, claims, dst )

Kerna percaya refers ning kamus oxford.
Percaya adalah sikap, menerima/mengakui suatu hal adalah benar,

Accept as true.
Kerna memang, tuk hal sik observable, provable, verifiable.
We use scientific method,
Belief gak diperlukan,
Tentang aksioma " bear withness " see/perceive the world as it is

I think better ngubah tem
Discussion ke arah ( menyikapi hal hal sik unobservable, unverifiable, untouchable, dst.. )

Dadi lebih ke metodologi.